scales area, scale_radius()
scales radius. The size
aesthetic is most commonly used for points and text, and humans perceive
the area of points (not their radius), so this provides for optimal
perception. scale_size_area()
ensures that a value of 0 is mapped
to a size of 0. scale_size_binned()
is a binned version of scale_size()
scales by area (but does not ensure 0 equals an area of zero). For a binned
equivalent of scale_size_area()
use scale_size_binned_area()
name = waiver(),
breaks = waiver(),
labels = waiver(),
limits = NULL,
range = c(1, 6),
trans = "identity",
guide = "legend"
name = waiver(),
breaks = waiver(),
labels = waiver(),
limits = NULL,
range = c(1, 6),
trans = "identity",
guide = "legend"
name = waiver(),
breaks = waiver(),
labels = waiver(),
limits = NULL,
range = c(1, 6),
n.breaks = NULL,
nice.breaks = TRUE,
trans = "identity",
guide = "bins"
scale_size_area(..., max_size = 6)
scale_size_binned_area(..., max_size = 6)
The name of the scale. Used as the axis or legend title. If
, the default, the name of the scale is taken from the first
mapping used for that aesthetic. If NULL
, the legend title will be
One of:
for no breaks
for the default breaks computed by the
transformation object
A numeric vector of positions
A function that takes the limits as input and returns breaks
as output (e.g., a function returned by scales::extended_breaks()
Also accepts rlang lambda function notation.
One of:
for no labels
for the default labels computed by the
transformation object
A character vector giving labels (must be same length as breaks
A function that takes the breaks as input and returns labels as output. Also accepts rlang lambda function notation.
One of:
to use the default scale range
A numeric vector of length two providing limits of the scale.
Use NA
to refer to the existing minimum or maximum
A function that accepts the existing (automatic) limits and returns
new limits. Also accepts rlang lambda function
Note that setting limits on positional scales will remove data outside of the limits.
If the purpose is to zoom, use the limit argument in the coordinate system
(see coord_cartesian()
a numeric vector of length 2 that specifies the minimum and maximum size of the plotting symbol after transformation.
For continuous scales, the name of a transformation object or the object itself. Built-in transformations include "asn", "atanh", "boxcox", "date", "exp", "hms", "identity", "log", "log10", "log1p", "log2", "logit", "modulus", "probability", "probit", "pseudo_log", "reciprocal", "reverse", "sqrt" and "time".
A transformation object bundles together a transform, its inverse,
and methods for generating breaks and labels. Transformation objects
are defined in the scales package, and are called <name>_trans
). You can create your own
transformation with scales::trans_new()
A function used to create a guide or its name. See
for more information.
An integer guiding the number of major breaks. The algorithm
may choose a slightly different number to ensure nice break labels. Will
only have an effect if breaks = waiver()
. Use NULL
to use the default
number of breaks given by the transformation.
Logical. Should breaks be attempted placed at nice values
instead of exactly evenly spaced between the limits. If TRUE
the scale will ask the transformation object to create breaks, and this
may result in a different number of breaks than requested. Ignored if
breaks are given explicitly.
Arguments passed on to continuous_scale
One of:
for no minor breaks
for the default breaks (one minor break between
each major break)
A numeric vector of positions
A function that given the limits returns a vector of minor breaks. Also accepts rlang lambda function notation.
One of:
Function that handles limits outside of the scale limits (out of bounds). Also accepts rlang lambda function notation.
The default (scales::censor()
) replaces out of
bounds values with NA
for squishing out of bounds values into range.
for squishing infinite values into range.
Missing values will be replaced with this value.
For position scales, a vector of range expansion constants used to add some
padding around the data to ensure that they are placed some distance
away from the axes. Use the convenience function expansion()
to generate the values for the expand
argument. The defaults are to
expand the scale by 5% on each side for continuous variables, and by
0.6 units on each side for discrete variables.
For position scales, The position of the axis.
or right
for y axes, top
or bottom
for x axes.
The super class to use for the constructed scale
Size of largest points.
if you want 0 values to be mapped
to points with size 0.
p <- ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy, size = hwy)) +
p + scale_size("Highway mpg")
p + scale_size(range = c(0, 10))
# If you want zero value to have zero size, use scale_size_area:
p + scale_size_area()
# Binning can sometimes make it easier to match the scaled data to the legend
p + scale_size_binned()
# This is most useful when size is a count
ggplot(mpg, aes(class, cyl)) +
geom_count() +
# If you want to map size to radius (usually bad idea), use scale_radius
p + scale_radius()
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