Add summary statistics or a geometry onto a ggplot.
ggadd(p, add = NULL, color = "black", fill = "white", group = 1,
width = 1, shape = 19, size = NULL, alpha = 1, jitter = 0.2,
binwidth = NULL, dotsize = size, linetype = 1, show.legend = NA,
error.plot = "pointrange", ci = 0.95, data = NULL,
position = position_dodge(0.8), p_geom = "")
a ggplot
character vector specifying other plot elements to be added. Allowed values are one or the combination of: "none", "dotplot", "jitter", "boxplot", "point", "mean", "mean_se", "mean_sd", "mean_ci", "mean_range", "median", "median_iqr", "median_mad", "median_range".
point or outline color.
fill color. Used only when error.plot = "crossbar"
grouping variable. Allowed values are 1 (for one group) or a character vector specifying the name of the grouping variable. Used only for adding statistical summary per group.
numeric value between 0 and 1 specifying bar or box width.
Example width = 0.8. Used only when error.plot
is one of
c("crossbar", "errorbar").
point shape. Allowed values can be displayed using the function
numeric value in [0-1] specifying point and line size.
numeric value specifying fill color transparency. Value should be in [0, 1], where 0 is full transparency and 1 is no transparency.
a numeric value specifying the amount of jittering. Used only
when add
contains "jitter".
numeric value specifying bin width. use value between 0 and 1
when you have a strong dense dotplot. For example binwidth = 0.2. Used only
when add
contains "dotplot".
as size
but applied only to dotplot.
line type.
logical. Should this layer be included in the legends? NA,
the default, includes if any aesthetics are mapped. FALSE
never includes,
and TRUE always includes. It can also be a named logical vector to finely
select the aesthetics to display.
plot type used to visualize error. Allowed values are one of
c("pointrange", "linerange", "crossbar", "errorbar", "upper_errorbar",
"lower_errorbar", "upper_pointrange", "lower_pointrange", "upper_linerange",
. Default value is "pointrange".
the percent range of the confidence interval (default is 0.95).
a data.frame
to be displayed. If NULL
, the default,
the data is inherited from the plot data as specified in the call to
position adjustment, either as a string, or the result of a call to a position adjustment function. Used to adjust position for multiple groups.
the geometry of the main plot. Ex: p_geom = "geom_line". If NULL, the geometry is extracted from p. Used only by ggline().
# Basic violin plot
p <- ggviolin(ToothGrowth, x = "dose", y = "len", add = "none")
# Add mean +/- SD and jitter points
p %>% ggadd(c("mean_sd", "jitter"), color = "dose")
# Add box plot
p %>% ggadd(c("boxplot", "jitter"), color = "dose")
# }
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