# Density plot
density.p <- ggdensity(iris, x = "Sepal.Length",
fill = "Species", palette = "jco")
# Text plot
text <- paste("iris data set gives the measurements in cm",
"of the variables sepal length and width",
"and petal length and width, respectively,",
"for 50 flowers from each of 3 species of iris.",
"The species are Iris setosa, versicolor, and virginica.", sep = " ")
text.p <- ggparagraph(text, face = "italic", size = 12)
# Arrange the plots on the same page
ggarrange(density.p, text.p,
ncol = 1, nrow = 2,
heights = c(1, 0.3))
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab