New Zealand's "BPM6 Quarterly, Balance of payments major components (Qrtly-Mar/Jun/Sep/Dec)".
An object of class data.frame
with 3676 rows and 5 columns.
"BPM6" refers to the sixth edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, which is the method used by Statistics New Zealand to prepare these data.
'Value' is in millions of New Zealand dollars and is not adjusted for inflation.
'fob' means 'free on board'.
'inv.' stands for investment
TimePeriod is the last day of the quarterly reference period ie 1971-06-30
means the fourth, fifth and six months of 1971.
This dataset was downloaded from and transformed in the following way:
missing values were filtered out (ie of series that started later than the longest series)
a 'Balance' indicator variable was added for easier manipulation and filtering
the single variable categorisation was split into two (Account and Category) to make it tidier.