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ggsubplot (version

geom_subplot2d: Bin data and visualize with a grid of subplots.


geom_subplot bins data into a two dimensional grid and then visualizes the data within each bin with an embedded subplot. Mappings, stat, and parameters are applied consistently across subplots, but each subplot only uses the data that falls withn its 2d bin.


geom_subplot2d(mapping, bins = 10, binwidth = NULL, breaks = NULL, data = waiver(), x_scale = identity, y_scale = identity, width.adjust = 0.95, height.adjust = 0.95, position = "identity", reference = ref_box(), ply.aes = TRUE, .ref = FALSE)


An aesthetic mapping, usually constructed with aes. This mapping should contain x, y, and subplot aesthetics. All other aesthetics will be ignored - consider placing them in the subplot aesthetics's mapping instead. The subplot aesthetic should be a layer or plot specification. For example, the subplot aesthetic could be the output of qplot or geom_point. Any data argument in the subplot aesthetic will be ignored, the subplot mapping will be applied to the data inherited by the geom_subplot2d layer.
numeric. The number of bins to divide each major axis into. If bins is of length 2, the first number will be applied to the x axis and the second to the y. Defaults to 10.
numeric. The binwidth to use when dividing the major x and y axes into bins. If set, binwidth will override the bins argument. If binwidth is of length 2, the first number will be applied to the x axis and the second to the y. Defaults to NULL.
a vector of breaks or a function from the densityvis package (unpublished), such as interval_breaks. breaks determines which breaks are used to bin the x and y axes. If set, breaks will override the bins and binwidth arguments. If breaks is a list, the first element will be applied to the x axis and the second to the y. Defaults to NULL.
The dataframe the layer should map to. geom_subplot2d inherits the global dataframe defined in ggplot.
function. The scaling to use for the x axis within each glyph. If x_scale equals identity(default), the x limits within each glyph will correspond to the range of x across all glyphs. This aids comparison because each glyph will use the same scale. If x_scale equals free, each glyph will use its own x scale. The limits of this scale will be set to the range of x values in that glyph.
function. y_scale behaves the same as x_scale but controls the scales for the y axis within each glyph.
numeric. The proportion of horizontal space within a grid box that each subplot should occupy. Used to control overlapping and appearance. Each subplot is anchored to the bottom left corner of the grid box and then spans the proportion of the box specified by width adjust.
numeric. The proportion of vertical space within a grid box that each subplot should occupy. Behaves the same as width.adjust.
character. "identity"
function. Function used to create reference objects for the embedded plots. If NULL, no reference objects are used. Reference objects are plotted on a layer beneath the subplots. They provide a consistent frame of reference to aid comparisons across subplots. Functions that create reference objects include ref_box, ref_hline, and ref_vline. By default, reference is set to ref_box, which creates the familiar mesh pattern associated with grids.
logical. If TRUE (default) aesthetics are calculated separately for each subplot, as with ply_aes. If FALSE aesthetics are calculated based on entire data set for the layer.
internal argument used for plotting reference objects.


an object of class glayer


Any variables in the data set may be used as x and y axes to bin on. These 'major' x and y axes need not correspond to the 'minor' x and y axes within each subplot. Minor x and y axes are defined in the subplot aesthetic of geom_subplot2d. To allow interpretation, the major axes of a gridded layer should correspond to the x and y aesthetics for any other (non - gridded) layers in the plot.


Run this code
## Not run: 
# ggplot(casualties) +
# map_afghanistan +
# geom_subplot2d(aes(lon, lat,
# subplot = geom_bar(aes(victim, ..count.., fill = victim))),
# bins = c(15,12), ref = NULL, width = rel(0.8)) +
# coord_map()
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab