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rescale_2pi: rescale vectors to [0, 2 * pi]


rescale_2pi rescales every vector in a list of vectors to the range [0, 2 * pi] (e.g, for working with radians). rescale_2pi rescales the vectors as a group (instead of rescaling each vector independently). This is a helpful feature for rescaling related variables (such as xmin and xmax) without nullifying the difference between the two.


rescale_2pi(xvars, xlim = NULL, zero = FALSE)


a list of vectors
NULL (default) or a numeric vector of length two that specifies the range of values to scale to [0, 2 * pi]
logical. Should zero be added to the range before rescaling?


a list of vectors


If a vector is a character or factor vector, rescale_11 attempts to coerce it to numeric before scaling. The scale is determined by finding the range of values contained in the list of vectors and mapping it to [0, 2 * pi].

If the full range of values to be scaled is not present in the vectors, users can specify the range to be scaled to [0, 2 * pi] with the xlim argument. Values in the vectors will be rescaled as if they according to this range.

See Also

rescale_01, rescale_11