A very slight modification to the original function, removing the explicit direction to use the ggplotGrob function from the ggplot2 namespace
grobs = list(...),
vp = NULL,
name = "arrange",
as.table = TRUE,
respect = FALSE,
clip = "off",
nrow = NULL,
ncol = NULL,
widths = NULL,
heights = NULL,
top = NULL,
bottom = NULL,
left = NULL,
right = NULL,
padding = unit(0.5, "line")
)grid.arrange(..., newpage = TRUE)
grobs, gtables, ggplot or trellis objects
list of grobs
optional layout
argument of gtable
logical: bottom-left to top-right (TRUE) or top-left to bottom-right (FALSE)
argument of gtable
argument of gtable
argument of gtable
argument of gtable
argument of gtable
argument of gtable
optional string, or grob
optional string, or grob
optional string, or grob
optional string, or grob
unit of length one, margin around annotations
open a new page
Nicholas Hamilton