Learn R Programming

ggtern (version 3.5.0)

zzz-depreciated: Depreciated Functions


The following is a list of functions which were once used in previous versions of ggtern, however, have now been depreciated

DEPRECIATED: tern_stop(...) Internal Function, checks if the most recent coordinate system is ternary, and, if not, stops the current procedure, with a common message format

DEPRECIATED: clipPolygons(...) Using the using the PolyClip Package, This clips input polygons for use in the density and contour geometries.

DEPRECIATED: theme_arrowbaseline(...) The ternary arrows can have an offset unit value (see tern.axis.arrow.sep), however, it is convenient to set this relative to either the axis, ticks or axis ticklabels (since the latter two can be hidden / removed.). This function permits this to be set

DEPRECIATED: element_ternary(...) Replaced by individual theme elements:

  1. tern.axis.arrow.show

  2. tern.axis.padding

  3. tern.axis.arrow.sep

  4. tern.axis.arrow.start

  5. tern.axis.arrow.finish

  6. tern.axis.vshift

  7. tern.axis.hshift

  8. tern.axis.ticks.length.major

  9. tern.axis.ticks.length.minor

DEPRECIATED: ggtern.multi is a function which permits the arrangement of muliple ggtern or ggplot2 objects, plots can be provided to the elipsis argument, or, as a list and at the simplest case, the number of columns can be specified. For more advanced usage, consider the layout argument.

DEPRECIATED: The point.in.sequence function takes numeric input vectors x and y or a data.frame object, and orders the values in such way that they are correctly sequenced by the angle subtended between each point, and, the centroid of the total set. If the data is provided in the format of a data.frame, then it must containing columns named x and y, else an error will be thrown.


tern_stop(src = "target")

clipPolygons( df, coord, plyon = c("level", "piece", "group"), op = "intersection" )

theme_arrowbaseline(label = "labels")

element_ternary( showarrows, padding, arrowsep, arrowstart, arrowfinish, vshift, hshift, ticklength.major, ticklength.minor )

ggtern.multi(..., plotlist = NULL, cols = 1, layout = NULL)

point.in.sequence(x, y, ..., df = data.frame(x = x, y = y), close = FALSE)


data.frame object containing the re-ordered input set.



character name of current procedure


a data frame


a ternary coordinate system


items in the data frame to pass to ddply argument


operation method to clip, intersection, union, minus or xor


a character ('axis','ticks' or 'labels') or numeric (rounded to 0, 1 or 2) value to determine the relative location (labels is default) if a character is provided, and it is not one of the above, an error will be thrown.


logical whether to show the axis directional arrows DEPRECIATED


the padding around the plot area to make provision for axis labels, ticks and arrows, relative to the cartesian plane. DEPRECIATED


the distance between ternary axis and ternary arrows DEPRECIATED


the proportion along the ternary axis to start the directional arrow DEPRECIATED


the proportion along the ternary axis to stop the directional arrow DEPRECIATED


shift the plot area vertically DEPRECIATED


shift the plot area horizontally DEPRECIATED


the length of the major ternary ticks as an euclidean distance relative to the x and y limits of the cartesian plot area. DEPRECIATED


the length of the minor ternary ticks as an euclidean distance relative to the x and y limits of the cartesian plot area. DEPRECIATED


additional arguments, multiple plot objects


alternative to the ... argument, provide a list of ggplot or grob objects, objects which do not inherit the ggplot or grob classes will be stripped.


number of columns if the layout parameter is not provided.


override number of cols, and provide a matrix specifying the layout


vector of numeric x values


vector of numeric y values


logical value (default FALSE), as to whether the set should be closed by adding (duplicating) the first row (after ordering) to the end of the set.


Nicholas Hamilton


Used to define the layout of some of the ggtern plot features which are unique to the ternary diagrams , and hence, this package.

By default, 1 column is specified, which means that the plots will be stacked on top of each other in a single column, however, if say 4 plots are provided to the ellipsis or plotlist, with cols equal to 2, then this will produce a 2 x 2 arrangement.

In regards to the layout argument (which overrides the cols argument), if it is something like matrix(c(1,2,3,3), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE), then plot number 1 will go in the upper left, 2 will go in the upper right, and 3 will go all the way across the bottom - see the last example below.

The arguments x and y represent cartesian coordinates. This is useful if a path is sought that passes through each point in the ordered set, however, no two lines in the total path cross over each other. Uses the atan2 function to determine the angle (theta) between each point (x,y) and the centroid of the data, it then orders based on increasing values of theta.