- vis
A ggvis object.
- type
The type of axis. Either x or y.
- scale
The name of the scale backing the axis component. Defaults to
the scale type - you will need to specify if you want (e.g.) a scale
for a secondary y-axis.
- orient
The orientation of the axis. One of top, bottom, left or right.
The orientation can be used to further specialize the axis type (e.g., a y
axis oriented for the right edge of the chart) - defaults to bottom for
x axes, and left for y axes.
- title
A title for the axis. By default, it uses the name of the field
in the first data set used by the scale. Use ""
to suppress the
- title_offset
The offset (in pixels) from the axis at which to place
the title.
- format
The formatting pattern for axis labels. Vega uses D3's format
- ticks
A desired number of ticks. The resulting number may be different
so that values are "nice" (multiples of 2, 5, 10) and lie within the
underlying scale's range.
- values
Explicitly set the visible axis tick values.
- subdivide
If provided, sets the number of minor ticks between major
ticks (the value 9 results in decimal subdivision).
- tick_padding
The padding, in pixels, between ticks and text labels.
- tick_size_major, tick_size_minor, tick_size_end
The size, in pixels, of major, minor and end ticks.
- offset
The offset, in pixels, by which to displace the axis from the
edge of the enclosing group or data rectangle.
- layer
A string indicating if the axis (and any gridlines) should be
placed above or below the data marks. One of "front" or "back" (default).
- grid
A flag indicating if gridlines should be created in addition to
- properties
Optional mark property definitions for custom axis styling.
Should be an object created by axis_props
, with properties
for ticks, majorTicks, minorTicks, grid, labels, title, and axis.