mtcars %>% compute_count(~cyl)
# Weight the counts by car weight value
mtcars %>% compute_count(~cyl, ~wt)
# If there's one weight value at each x, it effectively just renames columns.
pressure %>% compute_count(~temperature, ~pressure)
# Also get the width of each bin
pressure %>% compute_count(~temperature, ~pressure) %>% compute_align(~x_)
# It doesn't matter whether you transform inside or outside of a vis
mtcars %>% compute_count(~cyl, ~wt) %>%
compute_align(~x_) %>%
ggvis(x = ~xmin_, x2 = ~xmax_, y = ~count_, y2 = 0) %>%
mtcars %>%
ggvis(x = ~xmin_, x2 = ~xmax_, y = ~count_, y2 = 0) %>%
compute_count(~cyl, ~wt) %>%
compute_align(~x_) %>%
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