# Use a small value of n for these examples
mtcars %>% compute_model_prediction(mpg ~ wt, n = 10)
mtcars %>% compute_model_prediction(mpg ~ wt, n = 10, se = TRUE)
mtcars %>% group_by(cyl) %>% compute_model_prediction(mpg ~ wt, n = 10)
# compute_smooth defaults to loess
mtcars %>% compute_smooth(mpg ~ wt)
# Override model to suppress message or change approach
mtcars %>% compute_model_prediction(mpg ~ wt, n = 10, model = "loess")
mtcars %>% compute_model_prediction(mpg ~ wt, n = 10, model = "lm")
# Set the domain manually
mtcars %>%
compute_model_prediction(mpg ~ wt, n = 20, model = "lm", domain = c(0, 8))
# Plot the results
mtcars %>% compute_model_prediction(mpg ~ wt) %>%
ggvis(~pred_, ~resp_) %>%
mtcars %>% ggvis() %>%
compute_model_prediction(mpg ~ wt) %>%
layer_paths(~pred_, ~resp_)
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