mtcars %>% cbind(count = 1) %>% compute_stack(~count, ~cyl)
# Shouldn't use or affect existing grouping
mtcars %>% cbind(count = 1) %>% group_by(am) %>% compute_stack(~count, ~cyl)
# If given a ggvis object, will use x variable for stacking by default
mtcars %>% ggvis(x = ~cyl, y = ~wt) %>%
compute_stack(stack_var = ~wt, group_var = ~cyl) %>%
layer_rects(x = ~cyl - 0.5, x2 = ~cyl + 0.5, y = ~stack_upr_,
y2 = ~stack_lwr_)
# Collapse across hair & eye colour data across sex
hec <- ~ Hair + Eye, HairEyeColor))
hec %>% compute_stack(~Freq, ~Hair)
# Without stacking - bars overlap
hec %>% ggvis(~Hair, ~Freq, fill = ~Eye, fillOpacity := 0.5) %>%
layer_rects(y2 = 0, width = band())
# With stacking
hec %>% ggvis(x = ~Hair, y = ~Freq, fill = ~Eye, fillOpacity := 0.5) %>%
compute_stack(~Freq, ~Hair) %>%
layer_rects(y = ~stack_lwr_, y2 = ~stack_upr_, width = band())
# layer_bars stacks automatically:
hec %>% ggvis(~Hair, ~Freq, fill = ~Eye, fillOpacity := 0.5) %>%
group_by(Eye) %>%
layer_bars(width = 1)
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