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giRaph (version 0.1.2)

incidenceMatrix-class: Class "incidenceMatrix"


A class for incidence matrix representation of general graphs


Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("incidenceMatrix", I).


Object of class "matrix"; a column for each vertex and a row for each edge


Class "matrix", from data part. Class "structure", by class "matrix". Class "array", by class "matrix". Class "vector", by class "matrix", with explicit coerce.


signature(.Object = "incidenceMatrix"): constructs an incidence matrix representation of a general graph from a matrix of positive integers
signature(object = "incidenceMatrix"): displays an incidence matrix representation
signature(x = "incidenceMatrix"): gets the character vertex identifiers of an incidence matrix
signature(x = "incidenceMatrix"): sets the character vertex identifiers of an incidence matrix
signature(object = "incidenceMatrix"): returns the number of vertices and the total number of edge occurrences in an incidence matrix
signature(object = "incidenceMatrix"): an incidence matrix is empty if it has no columns
signature(x = "incidenceMatrix", y = "incidenceMatrix"): x and y are the same incidence matrix if they represent the same general graph
signature(el = "undirectedEdge", ou = "incidenceMatrix"): tells whether an undirected edge occurs in the graph represented by an incidence matrix
signature(el = "directedEdge", ou = "incidenceMatrix"): tells whether a directed edge occurs in the graph represented by an incidence matrix
signature(x = "incidenceList"): extracts the incidence matrix of an induced subgraph
signature(x = "incidenceList"): extracts the character identifier of a vertex
signature(from = "incidenceList", to = "incidenceMatrix"): converts an incidence list to an incidence matrix by dropping all but undirected and directed edges
signature(from = "adjacencyList", to = "incidenceMatrix"): converts an adjacency list to an incidence matrix
signature(from = "adjacencyMatrix", to = "incidenceMatrix"): converts and adjacency matrix to an incidence matrix
signature(e1 = "incidenceMatrix", e2 = "vertexSet"): adds a vertex set to an incidence matrix by making the new vertices isolated
signature(e1 = "incidenceMatrix", e2 = "vertexSet"): removes a vertex set from an incidence matrix by dropping all edges involving the vertex set
signature(e1 = "incidenceMatrix", e2 = "undirectedEdge"): adds an undirected edge to an incidence matrix
signature(e1 = "incidenceMatrix", e2 = "directedEdge"): adds a directed edge to an incidence matrix
signature(e1 = "incidenceMatrix", e2 = "undirectedEdge"): removes an undirected edge from an incidence matrix
signature(e1 = "incidenceMatrix", e2 = "directedEdge"): removes a directed edge from an incidence matrix
signature(e1 = "incidenceMatrix", e2 = "vertexSet"): restricts an incidence matrix to a vertex set by dropping all edges involving vertices outside the vertex set


All zero input rows are discarded by the constructor.

See Also

incidenceMatrix and generalGraph-class