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git2r (version 0.33.0)

checkout: Checkout


Update files in the index and working tree to match the content of the tree pointed at by the treeish object (commit, tag or tree). The default checkout strategy (force = FALSE) will only make modifications that will not lose changes. Use force = TRUE to force working directory to look like index.


  object = NULL,
  branch = NULL,
  create = FALSE,
  force = FALSE,
  path = NULL,


invisible NULL



A path to a repository, or a git_repository object, or a git_commit object, or a git_tag object, or a git_tree object.


name of the branch to check out. Only used if object is a path to a repository or a git_repository object.


create branch if it doesn't exist. Only used if object is a path to a repository or a git_repository object.


If TRUE, then make working directory match target. This will throw away local changes. Default is FALSE.


Limit the checkout operation to only certain paths. This argument is only used if branch is NULL. Default is NULL.


Additional arguments. Not used.


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
## Create directories and initialize repositories
path_bare <- tempfile(pattern="git2r-")
path_repo_1 <- tempfile(pattern="git2r-")
path_repo_2 <- tempfile(pattern="git2r-")
repo_bare <- init(path_bare, bare = TRUE)

## Clone to repo 1 and config user
repo_1 <- clone(path_bare, path_repo_1)
config(repo_1, user.name = "Alice", user.email = "alice@example.org")

## Add changes to repo 1 and push to bare
lines <- "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do"
writeLines(lines, file.path(path_repo_1, "test.txt"))
add(repo_1, "test.txt")
commit(repo_1, "First commit message")
push(repo_1, "origin", "refs/heads/master")

## Create and checkout 'dev' branch in repo 1
checkout(repo_1, "dev", create = TRUE)

## Add changes to 'dev' branch in repo 1 and push to bare
lines <- c(
  "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do",
  "eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.")
writeLines(lines, file.path(path_repo_1, "test.txt"))
add(repo_1, "test.txt")
commit(repo_1, "Second commit message")
push(repo_1, "origin", "refs/heads/dev")

## Clone to repo 2
repo_2 <- clone(path_bare, path_repo_2)
config(repo_2, user.name = "Bob", user.email = "bob@example.org")

## Read content of 'test.txt'
readLines(file.path(path_repo_2, "test.txt"))

## Checkout dev branch
checkout(repo_2, "dev")

## Read content of 'test.txt'
readLines(file.path(path_repo_2, "test.txt"))

## Edit "test.txt" in repo_2
writeLines("Hello world!", con = file.path(path_repo_2, "test.txt"))

## Check status

## Checkout "test.txt"
checkout(repo_2, path = "test.txt")

## Check status

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab