# initialise a git repo using git2r
repo_path <- tempfile("git2rdata-repo")
repo <- git2r::init(repo_path)
git2r::config(repo, user.name = "Alice", user.email = "alice@example.org")
# write and commit a first dataframe
# store the output of write_vc() minimize screen output
junk <- write_vc(iris[1:6, ], "iris", repo, sorting = "Sepal.Length",
stage = TRUE)
commit(repo, "important analysis", session = TRUE)
Sys.sleep(1.1) # required because git doesn't handle subsecond timings
# write and commit a second dataframe
junk <- write_vc(iris[7:12, ], "iris2", repo, sorting = "Sepal.Length",
stage = TRUE)
commit(repo, "important analysis", session = TRUE)
Sys.sleep(1.1) # required because git doesn't handle subsecond timings
# write and commit a new version of the first dataframe
junk <- write_vc(iris[7:12, ], "iris", repo, stage = TRUE)
commit(repo, "important analysis", session = TRUE)
# find out in which commit a file was last changed
# "iris.tsv" was last updated in the third commit
recent_commit("iris.tsv", repo)
# "iris.yml" was last updated in the first commit
recent_commit("iris.yml", repo)
# "iris2.yml" was last updated in the second commit
recent_commit("iris2.yml", repo)
# the git2rdata object "iris" was last updated in the third commit
recent_commit("iris", repo, data = TRUE)
# remove a dataframe and commit it to see what happens with deleted files
file.remove(file.path(repo_path, "iris.tsv"))
prune_meta(repo, ".")
commit(repo, message = "remove iris", all = TRUE, session = TRUE)
# still points to the third commit as this is the latest commit in which the
# data was present
recent_commit("iris", repo, data = TRUE)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab