# initialise a git repo using git2r
repo_path <- tempfile("git2rdata-repo-")
repo <- git2r::init(repo_path)
git2r::config(repo, user.name = "Alice", user.email = "alice@example.org")
# Create a dataframe and store it as an optimized git2rdata object.
# Note that write_vc() uses optimization by default.
# Stage and commit the git2rdata object.
ds <- data.frame(
a = c("a1", "a2"),
b = c("b2", "b1"),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE
junk <- write_vc(ds, "relabel", repo, sorting = "b", stage = TRUE)
cm <- commit(repo, "initial commit")
# check that the workspace is clean
# Define new labels as a list and apply them to the git2rdata object.
new_labels <- list(
a = list(a2 = "a3")
relabel("relabel", repo, new_labels)
# check the changes
read_vc("relabel", repo)
# relabel() changed the metadata, not the raw data
git2r::add(repo, "relabel.*")
cm <- commit(repo, "relabel using a list")
# Define new labels as a dataframe and apply them to the git2rdata object
change <- data.frame(
factor = c("a", "a", "b"),
old = c("a3", "a1", "b2"),
new = c("c2", "c1", "b3"),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE
relabel("relabel", repo, change)
# check the changes
read_vc("relabel", repo)
# relabel() changed the metadata, not the raw data
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab