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gjam (version 2.6.2)

gjamCensorY: Censor gjam response data


Returns a list with censored values, intervals, and censored response matrix y.


gjamCensorY(values, intervals, y, type='CA', whichcol = c(1:ncol(y)))



Values in y that are censored, specified by intervals


matrix having two rows and one column for each value in values. The first row holds lower bounds. The second row holds upper bounds. See Examples.


Response matrix, n rows by S columns. All values within intervals will be replaced with values


Response type, see typeNames in gjam


Columns in y that are censored (often not all responses are censored)


Returns a list containing two elements.


n by S matrix updated with censored values substituted for those falling within intervals.


list containing $columns that are censored and $partition, a matrix with 3 rows used in gjam and gjamPlot, one column per censor interval. Rows are values, followed by lower and upper bounds.


Any values in y that fall within censored intervals are replaced with censored values. The example below simulates data collected on an 'octave scale': 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, ..., an approach to accelerate data collection with approximate bins.


Clark, J.S., D. Nemergut, B. Seyednasrollah, P. Turner, and S. Zhang. 2017. Generalized joint attribute modeling for biodiversity analysis: Median-zero, multivariate, multifarious data. Ecological Monographs 87, 34-56.

See Also

gjamSimData simulates data gjam analyzes data

A more detailed vignette is can be obtained with:


website 'http://sites.nicholas.duke.edu/clarklab/code/'.


Run this code
# data in octaves
v  <- up <- c(0, 2^c(0:4), Inf)         
dn <- c(-Inf, v[-length(v)])
i  <- rbind( dn, up )  # intervals

f  <- gjamSimData(n = 2000, S = 15, Q = 3, typeNames='CA')
y  <- f$y
cc <- c(3:6)                                                # censored columns
g  <- gjamCensorY(values = v, intervals = i, y = y, whichcol = cc)
y[,cc] <- g$y                                               # replace columns
ml     <- list(ng = 500, burnin = 100, censor = g$censor, typeNames = f$typeNames)
output <- gjam(f$formula, xdata = f$xdata, ydata = y, modelList = ml)

#repeat with ng = 2000, burnin = 500, then:
pl  <- list(trueValues = f$trueValues, width = 3, height = 3)   
gjamPlot(output, pl)

# upper detection limit
up <- 5
v  <- up
i  <- matrix(c(up,Inf),2)
rownames(i) <- c('down','up')

f   <- gjamSimData(typeNames='CA')   
g   <- gjamCensorY(values = v, intervals = i, y = f$y)
ml  <- list(ng = 500, burnin = 100, censor = g$censor, typeNames = f$typeNames)
out <- gjam(f$formula, xdata = f$xdata, ydata = g$y, modelList = ml)

#repeat with ng = 2000, burnin = 500, then:
pl  <- list(trueValues = f$trueValues, width = 3, height = 3)           
gjamPlot(out, pl)

# lower detection limit
lo        <- .001
values    <- upper <- lo
intervals <- matrix(c(-Inf,lo),2)
rownames(intervals) <- c('lower','upper')
# }

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