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gjam (version 2.6.2)

gjamFillMissingTimes: Fill out data for time series (state-space) gjam


Fills in predictor, response, and effort matrics for time series data where there are multiple multivariate time series. Time series gjam is here https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/jimclarkatduke/gjam/blob/master/gjamTimeMsVignette.html


gjamFillMissingTimes(xdata, ydata, edata, groupCol, timeCol, groupVars = groupCol,
                                 FILLMEANS = FALSE, typeNames = NULL, missingEffort = .1)



n by Q data.frame holding predictor variables


n by S matrix holding response variables


n by S matrix holding effort


column name in xdata for group variable, i.e., observations part of the same time series


column name in xdata for time index


character vector of column names in xdata having values that are fixed for a value of groupCol, i.e., they do not change with time index in timeCol


fill new rows in ydata with mean for groupCol times missingEffort; otherwise NA


typenames current limited to 'DA' for discrete counts


effort assigned to missing values of edata and ydata


A list containing the following:


filled version of xdata


filled version of ydata


filled version of edata


time indices used for computation, including, timeZero (row numbers in new data where each time series begins, with times = 0), timeLast (row numbers in new data where each time series ends), rowInserts (row numbers for all inserted rows), noEffort (rows for which effort in edata is filled with missingEffort)


Missing times in the data occur where there are gaps in timeCol column of xdata and the initial time 0 for each sequence. New versions of the data have NA (xdata) or prior values with appropriate weight (ydata). Missing times are filled in xdata, ydata, edata, including a time 0 which serves as a prior mean for ydata for time code1. The group and time indices in columns groupCol and timeCol of xdata reference the time for a given time series. Missing values in the columns groupVars of xdata are filled automatically filled in. This assumes that values for these variables are fixed for the group. If FILLMEANS, the missing values in ydata are filled with means for the group and given a low weight specified in missingEffort.


Clark, J. S., C. L. Scher, and M. Swift. 2020. The emergent interactions that govern biodiversity change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117, 17074-17083.

See Also

gjam for more on xdata, ydata, and effort.

A more detailed vignette is can be obtained with:


web site 'http://sites.nicholas.duke.edu/clarklab/code/'.