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This function is called by glmmML, but it can also be called directly by the user.
glmmML.fit(X, Y, weights = rep(1, NROW(Y)), cluster.weights = rep(1, NROW(Y)), start.coef = NULL, start.sigma = NULL, fix.sigma = FALSE, cluster = NULL, offset = rep(0, nobs), family = binomial(), method = 1, n.points = 1, control = list(epsilon = 1.e-8, maxit = 200, trace = FALSE), intercept = TRUE, boot = 0, prior = 0)
A list. For details, see the code, and glmmML.
Design matrix of covariates.
Response vector. Or two-column matrix.
Case weights. Defaults to one.
Cluster weights. Defaults to one.
Starting values for the coefficients.
Starting value for the mixing standard deviation.
Should sigma be fixed at start.sigma?
The clustering variable.
The offset in the model.
Family of distributions. Defaults to binomial with logit link. Other possibilities are binomial with cloglog link and poisson with log link.
Laplace (1) or Gauss-hermite (0)?
Number of points in the Gauss-Hermite quadrature. Default is n.points = 1, which is equivalent to Laplace approximation.
n.points = 1
Control of the iterations. See glm.control.
Logical. If TRUE, an intercept is fitted.
Integer. If > 0, bootstrapping with boot replicates.
Which prior distribution? 0 for "gaussian", 1 for "logistic", 2 for "cauchy".
Göran Broström
In the optimisation, "vmmin" (in C code) is used.
Broström (2003)
glmmML, glmmPQL, and lmer.
x <- cbind(rep(1, 14), rnorm(14)) y <- rbinom(14, prob = 0.5, size = 1) id <- rep(1:7, 2) glmmML.fit(x, y, cluster = id)
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