# \donttest{
epil2$subject <- factor(epil2$subject)
op <- options(digits=3)
(fm <- glmmTMB(y ~ Base*trt + Age + Visit + (Visit|subject),
data=epil2, family=nbinom2))
meths <- methods(class = class(fm))
if((Rv <- getRversion()) > "3.1.3") {
funs <- attr(meths, "info")[, "generic"]
funs <- setdiff(funs, "profile") ## too slow! pkgdown is trying to run this??
for(fun in funs[is.na(match(funs, "getME"))]) {
cat(sprintf("%s:\n-----\n", fun))
r <- tryCatch( get(fun)(fm), error=identity)
if (inherits(r, "error")) cat("** Error:", r$message,"\n")
else tryCatch( print(r) )
cat(sprintf("---end{%s}--------------\n\n", fun))
# }
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