The S4 method provided for glmulti
writes a glmulti
object as a data.frame, or alternatively as a raw R object.
write(x, file = "data", ncolumns = if (is.character(x)) 1 else 5,
append = FALSE, sep = " ")
An object of class glmulti
The name of the file to write into. If missing, the name is taken to be the name of the glmulti object.* If "\object" is at the end of the filename, then the object is written as a raw R object using saveRDS.
Not used with glmulti objects
Whether to append the output to the file, if existing.
The character to be used to separate columns.
A data.frame. Rows correspond to all models, sorted from best to worse.. The first columns indicate whether the different terms are found in the formula of each model (0/1). The next columns contain model complexity (K), model IC, and model formula (as a character string).
When using "\object", the file written can be read directly from R using readRDS, or with consensus.