## first model for mother's health
ab_health <- hetglm(
health ~ ethnicity + gender + religion + religiousness + church + erameans + erasupport |
pros * cons + importance + information + firmness, data = AbortionAmbivalence)
## corresponding model with analytical gradients but numerical Hessian
ab_health2 <- update(ab_health, method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE)
## Alvarez and Brehm (1995), Table 1, p. 1069
## (see also Altman and McDonald, 2003, Supplement, Tables 4-10)
tab1 <- sapply(names(AbortionAmbivalence)[1:7], function(x) {
f <- as.formula(paste(x,
"~ ethnicity + gender + religion + religiousness + church + erameans + erasupport",
"| pros * cons + importance + information + firmness"))
f0 <- as.formula(paste(x, "~ 1"))
m <- hetglm(f, data = AbortionAmbivalence)
m0 <- hetglm(f0, data = model.frame(m))
c(Percent_yes = as.vector(100 * prop.table(table(AbortionAmbivalence[[x]]))["yes"]),
coef(m)[c(1:10, 14, 11:13)],
Heteroscedasticity = as.vector(summary(m)$lrtest[1]),
N = nobs(m),
Goodness_of_fit = 2 * as.vector(logLik(m) - logLik(m0))
round(tab1, digits = 2)
if(require("AER")) {
## compare Wald tests with different types of standard errors
coeftest(ab_health, vcov = sandwich)
coeftest(ab_health2, vcov = sandwich)
coeftest(ab_health, vcov = vcovOPG)
coeftest(ab_health2, vcov = vcovOPG)
ab_health_tstat <- cbind(
"A-Info" = coeftest(ab_health)[,3],
"N-Info" = coeftest(ab_health2)[,3],
"A-Sandwich" = coeftest(ab_health, vcov = sandwich)[,3],
"N-Sandwich" = coeftest(ab_health2, vcov = sandwich)[,3],
"A-OPG" = coeftest(ab_health, vcov = vcovOPG)[,3],
"N-OPG" = coeftest(ab_health2, vcov = vcovOPG)[,3]
round(ab_health_tstat, digits = 3)
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