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goProfiles (version 1.34.0)

GOTermsList: Functions to create and manage lists of GO terms associated with a vector of 'Entrez' identifiers


These functions prepare data to be processed by the 'basicProfile' function. To create a profile a set of GOterms belonging to one or more ontologies is needed The terms belonging to each gene must be given separately so that they can be counted. This function queries the environment 'GOENTREZID2GO' with the vector of Entrez terms and formats the output into a list whose components -one per Entrez term- contain the most specific GO identifiers associated with this term.


GOTermsList(LLids, onto = "any", evid = "any", na.rm = TRUE, orgPkg ) getAncestorsLst(GOtermslist, onto, unique.ancestor=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE, combine=TRUE) getGOLevel(onto, level)


Character vector of Entrez (formerly Locuslink identifiers)
ontology to be queried using the genes list
type of evidence supporting the selected GO Terms
flag indicating if those ids returning NA must be removed from the output
Organism annotation package ('org.Xx.eg.db') required to obtain the GO terms associated with the Entrez identifiers
List produced by a call to function GOTermsList
Flag to remove repeated ancestor identifiers
Flag to combine ancestors
GO level at which the profile is built


A list whose components -one per Entrez term- are character vectors with the most specific GO identifiers associated with this term


During the call to this function there may appear two types of NAs.

By one side if a name is not mapped in LocusLink this yields an NA that must be eliminated because nothing can be found through LL about this name

By another side if a gene is identified in LL but yields NA it seems to mean that it is not mapped in the GO

This may be eliminated but it may be worth the pity to keep track of them and to put these terms in an 'Seemingly unnanotated' category. In the case that its number was very high it migt suggest reviewing the list or reconsidering the results.

See Also



Run this code
#simpleLLids<- as.character(c(2189,5575,5569,11)) #1 is not a Locuslink identifier
#simpleGOlist<- GOTermsList (simpleLLids, orgPkg="org.Hs.eg.db")
#print(simpleGOlist.CC<-GOTermsList (simpleLLids,"CC", orgPkg="org.Hs.eg.db"))
#print(simpleGOlist.IEA<-GOTermsList (simpleLLids,evid="IEA",na.rm=TRUE, orgPkg="org.Hs.eg.db"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab