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prop_to_haz: Estimate plausible piecewise constant hazard rates from summary summary event proportions


Given estimates of the event probability at one or more fixed times, the corresponding piecewise hazard rates can be determined through closed-form formulae. This utility function can be useful when simulating trial datasets with plausible event rates.


prop_to_haz(probs, cutpoints = 0, endtime)



vector. Probabilities of the event (i.e. cumulative incidence probabilities) at one or more time point. If only a single value is given, then it is assumed that this is the probability at the endtime.


vector. Times at which the baseline hazard changes. Default is cutpoints = 0, which corresponds to a simple (non-piecewise) exponential model.


scalar. Time at which final element in probs corresponds to. Typically this would be the study endpoint time.


Vector of constant hazard rates for each time piece defined by cutpoints.


Given \(J-1\) internal cut-points, then there are J intervals defined as: \([s_0, s_1)\), \([s_1, s_2)\), \(\dots\), \([s_{J-1}, s_{J})\), with conditions that \(s_0 = 0\) and \(s_J = \infty\). Each interval corresponds to constant hazard \(\lambda_j\).


Run this code
lambda <- prop_to_haz(0.15, endtime = 36) # 15% probability at 36-months
all.equal(pexp(36, lambda), 0.15)

# 15% probability at 12-months, and 30% at 24-months
prop_to_haz(c(0.15, 0.30), c(0, 12), 24)
PWEALL::pwe(12, prop_to_haz(c(0.15, 0.30), c(0, 12), 24), c(0, 12))$dist
PWEALL::pwe(24, prop_to_haz(c(0.15, 0.30), c(0, 12), 24), c(0, 12))$dist
# }

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