Load a previously saved private Google Container
gce_pull_registry(instance, container_name, container_url = "gcr.io",
pull_only = FALSE, project = gce_get_global_project(), ...)
The VM to run within
The name of the saved container
The URL of where the container was saved
If TRUE, will not run the container, only pull to the VM
Project ID for this request, default as set by gce_get_global_project
Other arguments passed to docker_run or docker_pull
After starting a VM, you can load the container again using this command.
For Shiny based containers, pass "-p 80:3838"
to run it at the IP URL
For RStudio based containers, pass "-p 80:8787"
to run it at the IP URL
The instance
Other container registry functions: gce_list_registry