## create a file to move
file <- drive_upload(drive_example("chicken.txt"), "chicken-mv.txt")
## rename it, but leave in current folder (root folder, in this case)
file <- drive_mv(file, "chicken-mv-renamed.txt")
## create a folder to move the file into
folder <- drive_mkdir("mv-folder")
## move the file and rename it again,
## specify destination as a dribble
file <- drive_mv(file, path = folder, name = "chicken-mv-re-renamed.txt")
## verify renamed file is now in the folder
## move the file back to root folder
file <- drive_mv(file, "~/")
## move it again
## specify destination as path with trailing slash
## to ensure we get a move vs. renaming it to "mv-folder"
file <- drive_mv(file, "mv-folder/")
## `overwrite = FALSE` errors if something already exists at target filepath
drive_create("name-squatter", path = "~/")
drive_mv(file, path = "~/", name = "name-squatter", overwrite = FALSE)
## `overwrite = TRUE` moves the existing item to trash, then proceeds
drive_mv(file, path = "~/", name = "name-squatter", overwrite = TRUE)
## Clean up
drive_rm(file, folder)
# }
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