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googledrive (version 2.0.0)

dribble: dribble object


googledrive stores the metadata for one or more Drive files or shared drives as a dribble. It is a "Drive tibble" with one row per file or shared drive and, at a minimum, these columns:

  • name: a character column containing file or shared drive names

  • id: a character column of file or shared drive ids

  • drive_resource: a list-column, each element of which is either a Files resource or a Drives resource object. Note there is no guarantee that all documented fields are always present. We do check if the kind field is present and equal to one of drive#file or drive#drive.

The dribble format is handy because it exposes the file name, which is good for humans, but keeps it bundled with the file's unique id and other metadata, which are needed for API calls.

In general, the dribble class will be retained even after manipulation, as long as the required variables are present and of the correct type. This works best for manipulations via the dplyr and vctrs packages.


See Also
