spread_sheet: Spread a data frame of cells into spreadsheet shape
Reshapes a data frame of cells (presumably the output of sheets_cells())
into another data frame, i.e., puts it back into the shape of the source
spreadsheet. This function exists primarily for internal use and for testing.
The flagship function read_sheet() is what most users are looking for. It
is basically sheets_cells() + spread_sheet().
A data frame with one row per (nonempty) cell, integer variables
row and column (probably referring to location within the spreadsheet),
and a list-column cell of SHEET_CELL objects.
TRUE to use the first row as column names, FALSE to get
default names, or a character vector to provide column names directly. If
user provides col_types, col_names can have one entry per column or one
entry per unskipped column.
Column types. Either NULL to guess all from the
spreadsheet or a string of readr-style shortcodes, with one character or
code per column. If exactly one col_type is specified, it is recycled.
See Details for more.
Character vector of strings to interpret as missing values. By
default, blank cells are treated as missing data.
Logical. Should leading and trailing whitespace be trimmed
from cell contents?
Maximum number of data rows to use for guessing column
Handling of column names. By default, googlesheets4
ensures column names are not empty and are unique. There is full support
for .name_repair as documented in tibble::tibble().
A tibble in the shape of the original spreadsheet, but enforcing
user's wishes regarding column names, column types, NA strings, and
whitespace trimming.
# NOT RUN {if (sheets_has_token()) {
df <- sheets_cells(sheets_example("mini-gap"))
# ^^ gets same result as ... read_sheet(sheets_example("mini-gap"))
# }