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gpuR (version 2.0.6)

gpuMatrix-class: gpuMatrix Class


This is the 'mother' class for all gpuMatrix objects. It is essentially a wrapper for a basic R matrix (possibly to be improved). All other gpuMatrix classes inherit from this class but there are no current circumstances where this class is used directly.

There are multiple child classes that correspond to the particular data type contained. These include igpuMatrix, fgpuMatrix, and dgpuMatrix corresponding to integer, float, and double data types respectively.



An object of class 'gpuMatrix' with the specified slots.


Common to all gpuMatrix objects in the package


Pointer to data matrix


Integer index of OpenCL contexts


Integer index of OpenCL platforms


Name of OpenCL platform


Integer index of active device


Name of active device


Charles Determan Jr.

See Also

igpuMatrix-class, fgpuMatrix-class, dgpuMatrix-class