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## The displayable colors from four planes of Lab space
ab <- expand.grid(a = (-10:15)*10,
b = (-15:10)*10)
require(graphics); require(stats) # for na.omit
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = .1+c(3, 3, 3, .5), mgp = c(2, .8, 0))
Lab <- cbind(L = 20, ab)
srgb <- convertColor(Lab, from = "Lab", to = "sRGB", clip = NA)
clipped <- attr(na.omit(srgb), "na.action")
srgb[clipped, ] <- 0
cols <- rgb(srgb[, 1], srgb[, 2], srgb[, 3])
image((-10:15)*10, (-15:10)*10, matrix(1:(26*26), ncol = 26), col = cols,
xlab = "a", ylab = "b", main = "Lab: L=20")
Lab <- cbind(L = 40, ab)
srgb <- convertColor(Lab, from = "Lab", to = "sRGB", clip = NA)
clipped <- attr(na.omit(srgb), "na.action")
srgb[clipped, ] <- 0
cols <- rgb(srgb[, 1], srgb[, 2], srgb[, 3])
image((-10:15)*10, (-15:10)*10, matrix(1:(26*26), ncol = 26), col = cols,
xlab = "a", ylab = "b", main = "Lab: L=40")
Lab <- cbind(L = 60, ab)
srgb <- convertColor(Lab, from = "Lab", to = "sRGB", clip = NA)
clipped <- attr(na.omit(srgb), "na.action")
srgb[clipped, ] <- 0
cols <- rgb(srgb[, 1], srgb[, 2], srgb[, 3])
image((-10:15)*10, (-15:10)*10, matrix(1:(26*26), ncol = 26), col = cols,
xlab = "a", ylab = "b", main = "Lab: L=60")
Lab <- cbind(L = 80, ab)
srgb <- convertColor(Lab, from = "Lab", to = "sRGB", clip = NA)
clipped <- attr(na.omit(srgb), "na.action")
srgb[clipped, ] <- 0
cols <- rgb(srgb[, 1], srgb[, 2], srgb[, 3])
image((-10:15)*10, (-15:10)*10, matrix(1:(26*26), ncol = 26), col = cols,
xlab = "a", ylab = "b", main = "Lab: L=80")
cols <- t(col2rgb(palette())); rownames(cols) <- palette(); cols
zapsmall(lab <- convertColor(cols, from = "sRGB", to = "Lab", = 255))
stopifnot(all.equal(cols, # converting back.. getting the original:
round(convertColor(lab, from = "Lab", to = "sRGB", scale.out = 255)),
check.attributes = FALSE))
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab