(pal <- make.rgb(red = c(0.6400, 0.3300),
green = c(0.2900, 0.6000),
blue = c(0.1500, 0.0600),
name = "PAL/SECAM RGB"))
## converter for sRGB in #rrggbb format
hexcolor <- colorConverter(toXYZ = function(hex, ...) {
rgb <- t(col2rgb(hex))/255
colorspaces$sRGB$toXYZ(rgb, ...) },
fromXYZ = function(xyz, ...) {
rgb <- colorspaces$sRGB$fromXYZ(xyz, ...)
rgb <- round(rgb, 5)
if (min(rgb) < 0 || max(rgb) > 1)
else rgb(rgb[1], rgb[2], rgb[3])},
white = "D65", name = "#rrggbb")
(cols <- t(col2rgb(palette())))
zapsmall(luv <- convertColor(cols, from = "sRGB", to = "Luv", scale.in = 255))
(hex <- convertColor(luv, from = "Luv", to = hexcolor, scale.out = NULL))
## must make hex a matrix before using it
(cc <- round(convertColor(as.matrix(hex), from = hexcolor, to = "sRGB",
scale.in = NULL, scale.out = 255)))
stopifnot(cc == cols)
## Internally vectorized version of hexcolor, notice the use
## of `vectorized = TRUE`:
hexcolorv <- colorConverter(toXYZ = function(hex, ...) {
rgb <- t(col2rgb(hex))/255
colorspaces$sRGB$toXYZ(rgb, ...) },
fromXYZ = function(xyz, ...) {
rgb <- colorspaces$sRGB$fromXYZ(xyz, ...)
rgb <- round(rgb, 5)
oob <- pmin(rgb[,1],rgb[,2],rgb[,3]) < 0 |
pmax(rgb[,1],rgb[,2],rgb[,3]) > 0
res <- rep(NA_character_, nrow(rgb))
res[!oob] <- rgb(rgb[!oob,,drop=FALSE])},
white = "D65", name = "#rrggbb",
(ccv <- round(convertColor(as.matrix(hex), from = hexcolor, to = "sRGB",
scale.in = NULL, scale.out = 255)))
stopifnot(ccv == cols)
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab