- data
Dataframe or vector. If a dataframe, the two or more columns are taken to be groups of equal size (whence group
is NULL).
If data
is a vector, group
must be a vector, perhaps a factor, that indicates groups (unequal group sizes allowed with this option).
- group
Group indicator, generally a factor in case data
is a vector.
- dg
Numeric; sets number of decimal points in output display, default = 2.
- h.rng
Numeric; controls the horizontal spread of groups, default = 1.25
- v.rng
Numeric; controls the vertical spread of points, default = 0.25.
- box
Logical; provides a bounding box (actually a square) to the graph; default FALSE.
- jj
Numeric; sets horizontal jittering level of points; when pairs of ordered means are close to one another, try jj < 1; default = 1.
- kx
Numeric; controls relative sizes of cex
, default = 1.0
- px
Numeric; controls relative sizes of cex.axis
, default = 1.0
- size.line
Numeric; controls vertical location of group size and name labels, default = -2.5.
- top.dot
Numeric; controls hight of end of vertical dotted lines through groups; default = .15.
- trmean
Logical; marks 20% trimmed means for each group (as green cross) and prints out those values in output window, default = FALSE.
- resid
Logical; displays marginal distribution of residuals (as a 'rug') on right side (wrt grand mean), default = FALSE.
- dosqrs
Logical; ensures plot of squares (for variances); when FALSE or the number of groups is 2, squares will be suppressed, default = TRUE.
- ident
Logical; allows user to identify specific points on the plot, default = FALSE.
- pt.lab
Character vector; allows user to provide labels for points, else the rownames of xdata are used (if defined),
or if not labels are 1:N (for N the total number of all data points), default = NULL.
- xlab
Character; horizontal axis label, default = NULL.
- ylab
Character; vertical axis label, default = NULL.
- main
Character; main label, top of graphic; can be supplied by user, default = NULL, which leads to printing of generic title for graphic.
- ...
Optional arguments to be passed to identify
, for example offset