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granovaGG (version 1.4.0)

blood_lead: Blood lead levels of lead workers' children matched with similar control children.


Children of parents who had worked in a factory where lead was used in making batteries were matched by age, exposure to traffic, and neighborhood with children whose parents did not work in lead-related industries. Whole blood was assessed for lead content yielding measurements in mg/dl



A dataframe with 33 observations on the following 2 variables, no NAs.
Blood lead level of exposed child, mg/dl.
Blood lead level of exposed child, mg/dl.


Morton, D., Saah, A., Silberg, S., Owens, W., Roberts, M., Saah, M. (1982). Lead absorption in children of employees in a lead related industry. American Journal of Epidemiology, 115:549-555.


See discussion in Section 2.5 of Enhancing Dependent Sample Analyses with Graphics, Journal of Statistics Education Volume 17, Number 1 (March 2009).