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This function can be used to add labels to a plot. Its first four
principal arguments can also be used as arguments in most high-level
plotting functions. They must be of type character
. In the latter case, quite a bit of
mathematical notation is available such as sub- and superscripts,
greek letters, fractions, etc: see plotmath
title(main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
line = NA, outer = FALSE, …)
The main title (on top) using font, size (character
expansion) and color par(c("font.main", "cex.main", "col.main"))
Sub-title (at bottom) using font, size and color
par(c("font.sub", "cex.sub", "col.sub"))
X axis label using font, size and color
par(c("font.lab", "cex.lab", "col.lab"))
Y axis label, same font attributes as xlab
specifying a value for line
overrides the
default placement of labels, and places them this many lines
outwards from the plot edge.
a logical value. If TRUE
, the titles are
placed in the outer margins of the plot.
further graphical parameters from par
. Use
e.g., col.main
or cex.sub
instead of just col
or cex
. adj
controls the justification of the titles.
can be used to set the clipping region:
this defaults to the figure region unless outer = TRUE
otherwise the device region and can only be increased. mgp
controls the default placing of the axis titles.
The labels passed to title
can be character strings or
language objects (names, calls or expressions), or a list
containing the string to be plotted, and a selection of the optional
modifying graphical parameters cex=
, col=
. Other objects will be coerced by
The position of main
defaults to being vertically centered in
(outer) margin 3 and justified horizontally according to
on the plot region (device region for
outer = TRUE
The positions of xlab
, ylab
and sub
(default for xlab
and ylab
and increased by 1
for sub
) lines
(of height par("mex")
) into the appropriate margin, justified
in the text direction according to par("adj")
on the
plot/device region.
Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
, text
for details on mathematical annotation.
plot(cars, main = "") # here, could use main directly
title(main = "Stopping Distance versus Speed")
plot(cars, main = "")
title(main = list("Stopping Distance versus Speed", cex = 1.5,
col = "red", font = 3))
## Specifying "..." :
plot(1, col.axis = "sky blue", col.lab = "thistle")
title("Main Title", sub = "sub title",
cex.main = 2, font.main= 4, col.main= "blue",
cex.sub = 0.75, font.sub = 3, col.sub = "red")
x <- seq(-4, 4, len = 101)
y <- cbind(sin(x), cos(x))
matplot(x, y, type = "l", xaxt = "n",
main = expression(paste(plain(sin) * phi, " and ",
plain(cos) * phi)),
ylab = expression("sin" * phi, "cos" * phi), # only 1st is taken
xlab = expression(paste("Phase Angle ", phi)),
col.main = "blue")
axis(1, at = c(-pi, -pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi),
labels = expression(-pi, -pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi))
abline(h = 0, v = pi/2 * c(-1,1), lty = 2, lwd = .1, col = "gray70")
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab