pie(rep(1, 24), col = rainbow(24), radius = 0.9)
pie.sales <- c(0.12, 0.3, 0.26, 0.16, 0.04, 0.12)
names(pie.sales) <- c("Blueberry", "Cherry",
"Apple", "Boston Cream", "Other", "Vanilla Cream")
pie(pie.sales) # default colours
pie(pie.sales, col = c("purple", "violetred1", "green3",
"cornsilk", "cyan", "white"))
pie(pie.sales, col = gray(seq(0.4, 1.0, length = 6)))
pie(pie.sales, density = 10, angle = 15 + 10 * 1:6)
pie(pie.sales, clockwise = TRUE, main = "pie(*, clockwise = TRUE)")
segments(0, 0, 0, 1, col = "red", lwd = 2)
text(0, 1, "init.angle = 90", col = "red")
n <- 200
pie(rep(1, n), labels = "", col = rainbow(n), border = NA,
main = "pie(*, labels=\"\", col=rainbow(n), border=NA,..")
## Another case showing pie() is rather fun than science; original by Daniel Lakens
pie(c(Sky = 78, "Sunny side of pyramid" = 17, "Shady side of pyramid" = 5),
init.angle = 315, col = c("deepskyblue", "yellow", "yellow3"), border = FALSE)
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