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data_slice: Prepare a data slice through model covariates


Prepare a data slice through model covariates


data_slice(object, ...)

# S3 method for default data_slice(object, ...)

# S3 method for data.frame data_slice(object, ...)

# S3 method for gam data_slice(object, ..., data = NULL, envir = NULL)

# S3 method for gamm data_slice(object, ...)

# S3 method for list data_slice(object, ...)

# S3 method for scam data_slice(object, ...)



an R model object.


<dynamic-dots> User supplied variables defining the data slice. Arguments passed via ... need to be named.


an alternative data frame of values containing all the variables needed to fit the model. If NULL, the default, the data used to fit the model will be recovered using model.frame. User-supplied expressions passed in ... will be evaluated in data.


the environment within which to recreate the data used to fit object.


A data slice is the data set that results where one (or more covariates) is varied systematically over some or all of its (their) range or at a specified subset of values of interest, while any remaining covariates in the model are held at fixed, representative values. This is known as a reference grid in package emmeans and a data grid in the marginaleffects package.

For GAMs, any covariates not specified via ... will take representative values determined from the data used to fit the model as follows:

  • for numeric covariates, the value in the fitting data that is closest to the median value is used,

  • for factor covariates, the modal (most frequently observed) level is used, or the first level (sorted as per the vector returned by base::levels() if several levels are observed the same number of times.

These values are already computed when calling gam() or bam() for example and can be found in the var.summary component of the fitted model. Function typical_values() will extract these values for you if you are interested.

Convenience functions evenly(), ref_level(), and level() are provided to help users specify data slices. ref_level(), and level() also ensure that factor covariates have the correct levels, as needed by mgcv::predict.gam() for example.

For an extended discussion of data_slice() and further examples, see vignette("data-slices", package = "gratia").

See Also

The convenience functions evenly(), ref_level(), and level(). typical_values() for extracting the representative values used for covariates in the model but not named in the slice.


Run this code
# \dontshow{
op <- options(pillar.sigfig = 3)
# }

# simulate some Gaussian data
df <- data_sim("eg1", n = 50, seed = 2)

# fit a GAM with 1 smooth and 1 linear term
m <- gam(y ~ s(x2, k = 7) + x1, data = df, method = "REML")

# Want to predict over f(x2) while holding `x1` at some value.
# Default will use the observation closest to the median for unspecified
# variables.
ds <- data_slice(m, x2 = evenly(x2, n = 50))

# for full control, specify the values you want
ds <- data_slice(m, x2 = evenly(x2, n = 50), x1 = 0.3)

# or provide an expression (function call) which will be evaluated in the
# data frame passed to `data` or `model.frame(object)`
ds <- data_slice(m, x2 = evenly(x2, n = 50), x1 = mean(x1))

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