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greybox (version 2.0.2)

outlierdummy: Outlier detection and matrix creation


Function detects outliers and creates a matrix with dummy variables. Only point outliers are considered (no level shifts).


outlierdummy(object, ...)

# S3 method for default outlierdummy(object, level = 0.999, type = c("rstandard", "rstudent"), ...)

# S3 method for alm outlierdummy(object, level = 0.999, type = c("rstandard", "rstudent"), ...)


The class "outlierdummy", which contains the list:

  • outliers - the matrix with the dummy variables, flagging outliers;

  • statistic - the value of the statistic for the normalised variable;

  • id - the ids of the outliers (which observations have them);

  • level - the confidence level used in the process;

  • type - the type of the residuals used;

  • errors - the errors used in the detection. In case of count distributions, probabilities are returned.



Model estimated using one of the functions of smooth package.


Other parameters. Not used yet.


Confidence level to use. Everything that is outside the constructed bounds based on that is flagged as outliers.


Type of residuals to use: either standardised or studentised. Ignored if count distributions used.


Ivan Svetunkov, ivan@svetunkov.ru


The detection is done based on the type of distribution used and confidence level specified by user.

See Also


Run this code

# Generate the data with S distribution
xreg <- cbind(rnorm(100,10,3),rnorm(100,50,5))
xreg <- cbind(100+0.5*xreg[,1]-0.75*xreg[,2]+rs(100,0,3),xreg)
colnames(xreg) <- c("y","x1","x2")

# Fit the normal distribution model
ourModel <- alm(y~x1+x2, xreg, distribution="dnorm")

# Detect outliers
xregOutlierDummy <- outlierdummy(ourModel)

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