Returns an object of class 'logLik', in this case consisting of a
number (or vector of numbers) with two attributes: 'df' (the estimated
degrees of freedom in the model) and 'nobs' (number of observations).
The 'print' method for 'logLik' objects is not intended to handle vectors;
consequently, the value of the function does not necessarily display
correctly. However, it works with 'AIC' and 'BIC' without any glitches and
returns the expected vectorized output.
A fitted grpreg or grpsurv object, as obtained from
grpreg() or grpsurv()
How should effective model parameters be calculated? One
of: "active", which counts the number of nonzero coefficients; or
"default", which uses the calculated df returned by
grpreg. Default is "default".
Use restricted MLE for estimation of the scale parameter in a
gaussian model? Default is FALSE.
X <- Birthwt$X
y <- Birthwt$bwt
group <- Birthwt$group
fit <- grpreg(X,y,group,penalty="cMCP")
logLik(fit) ## Display is glitchy for vectorsAIC(fit)