# quick trick for simple conditional power based on interim z-value, stage 1 and 2 sample size
# assumed treatment effect and final alpha level
# and observed treatment effect
alpha <- .01 # set final nominal significance level
timing <- .6 # set proportion of sample size, events or statistical information at IA
n2 <- 40 # set stage 2 sample size events or statistical information
hr <- .6 # for this example we will derive conditional power based on hazard ratios
n.fix <- nEvents(hr=hr,alpha=alpha) # you could otherwise make n.fix an arbitrary positive value
# this just derives a group sequential design that should not change sample size from n.fix
# due to stringent IA bound
x <- gsDesign(k=2,n.fix=n.fix,alpha=alpha,test.type=1,sfu=sfHSD,
# derive effect sizes for which you wish to compute conditional power
hrpostIA = seq(.4,1,.05)
# in the following, we convert HR into standardized effect size based on the design in x
powr <- condPower(x=x,z1=1,n2=x$n.I[2]-x$n.I[1],theta=log(hrpostIA)/x$delta1*x$theta[2])
x = hrpostIA,
y = condPower(
x = x,
z1 = 1,
n2 = x$n.I[2] - x$n.I[1],
theta = log(hrpostIA) / x$delta1 * x$theta[2]
aes(x = x, y = y)
) +
geom_line() +
x = "HR post IA",
y = "Conditional power",
title = "Conditional power as a function of assumed HR"
# Following is a template for entering parameters for ssrCP
# Natural parameter value null and alternate hypothesis values
delta0 <- 0
delta1 <- 1
# timing of interim analysis for underlying group sequential design
timing <- .5
# upper spending function
sfu <- sfHSD
# upper spending function paramater
sfupar <- -12
# maximum sample size inflation
maxinflation <- 2
# assumed enrollment overrrun at IA
overrun <- 25
# interim z-values for plotting
z <- seq(0, 4, .025)
# Type I error (1-sided)
alpha <- .025
# Type II error for design
beta <- .1
# Fixed design sample size
n.fix <- 100
# conditional power interval where sample
# size is to be adjusted
cpadj <- c(.3, .9)
# targeted Type II error when adapting sample size
betastar <- beta
# combination test (built-in options are: z2Z, z2NC, z2Fisher)
z2 <- z2NC
# use the above parameters to generate design
# generate a 2-stage group sequential design with
x <- gsDesign(
k = 2, n.fix = n.fix, timing = timing, sfu = sfu, sfupar = sfupar,
alpha = alpha, beta = beta, delta0 = delta0, delta1 = delta1
# extend this to a conditional power design
xx <- ssrCP(
x = x, z1 = z, overrun = overrun, beta = betastar, cpadj = cpadj,
maxinc = maxinflation, z2 = z2
# plot the stage 2 sample size
# demonstrate overlays on this plot
# overlay with densities for z1 under different hypotheses
lines(z, 80 + 240 * dnorm(z, mean = 0), col = 2)
lines(z, 80 + 240 * dnorm(z, mean = sqrt(x$n.I[1]) * x$theta[2]), col = 3)
lines(z, 80 + 240 * dnorm(z, mean = sqrt(x$n.I[1]) * x$theta[2] / 2), col = 4)
lines(z, 80 + 240 * dnorm(z, mean = sqrt(x$n.I[1]) * x$theta[2] * .75), col = 5)
axis(side = 4, at = 80 + 240 * seq(0, .4, .1), labels = as.character(seq(0, .4, .1)))
mtext(side = 4, expression(paste("Density for ", z[1])), line = 2)
text(x = 1.5, y = 90, col = 2, labels = expression(paste("Density for ", theta, "=0")))
text(x = 3.00, y = 180, col = 3, labels = expression(paste("Density for ", theta, "=",
text(x = 1.00, y = 180, col = 4, labels = expression(paste("Density for ", theta, "=",
theta[1], "/2")))
text(x = 2.5, y = 140, col = 5, labels = expression(paste("Density for ", theta, "=",
theta[1], "*.75")))
# overall line for max sample size
nalt <- xx$maxinc * x$n.I[2]
lines(x = par("usr")[1:2], y = c(nalt, nalt), lty = 2)
# compare above design with different combination tests
# use sufficient statistic for final testing
xxZ <- ssrCP(
x = x, z1 = z, overrun = overrun, beta = betastar, cpadj = cpadj,
maxinc = maxinflation, z2 = z2Z
# use Fisher combination test for final testing
xxFisher <- ssrCP(
x = x, z1 = z, overrun = overrun, beta = betastar, cpadj = cpadj,
maxinc = maxinflation, z2 = z2Fisher
# combine data frames from these designs
y <- rbind(
data.frame(cbind(xx$dat, Test = "Normal combination")),
data.frame(cbind(xxZ$dat, Test = "Sufficient statistic")),
data.frame(cbind(xxFisher$dat, Test = "Fisher combination"))
# plot stage 2 statistic required for positive combination test
ggplot2::ggplot(data = y, ggplot2::aes(x = z1, y = z2, col = Test)) +
# plot total sample size versus stage 1 test statistic
ggplot2::ggplot(data = y, ggplot2::aes(x = z1, y = n2, col = Test)) +
# check achieved Type I error for sufficient statistic design
Power.ssrCP(x = xxZ, theta = 0)
# compare designs using observed vs planned theta for conditional power
xxtheta1 <- ssrCP(
x = x, z1 = z, overrun = overrun, beta = betastar, cpadj = cpadj,
maxinc = maxinflation, z2 = z2, theta = x$delta
# combine data frames for the 2 designs
y <- rbind(
data.frame(cbind(xx$dat, "CP effect size" = "Obs. at IA")),
data.frame(cbind(xxtheta1$dat, "CP effect size" = "Alt. hypothesis"))
# plot stage 2 sample size by design
ggplot2::ggplot(data = y, ggplot2::aes(x = z1, y = n2, col = CP.effect.size)) +
# compare power and expected sample size
y1 <- Power.ssrCP(x = xx)
y2 <- Power.ssrCP(x = xxtheta1)
# combine data frames for the 2 designs
y3 <- rbind(
data.frame(cbind(y1, "CP effect size" = "Obs. at IA")),
data.frame(cbind(y2, "CP effect size" = "Alt. hypothesis"))
# plot expected sample size by design and effect size
ggplot2::ggplot(data = y3, ggplot2::aes(x = delta, y = en, col = CP.effect.size)) +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
ggplot2::xlab(expression(delta)) +
ggplot2::ylab("Expected sample size")
# plot power by design and effect size
ggplot2::ggplot(data = y3, ggplot2::aes(x = delta, y = Power, col = CP.effect.size)) +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
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