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gsDesign (version 3.6.4)

sfLogistic: Two-parameter Spending Function Families


The functions sfLogistic(), sfNormal(), sfExtremeValue(), sfExtremeValue2(), sfCauchy(), and sfBetaDist() are all 2-parameter spending function families. These provide increased flexibility in some situations where the flexibility of a one-parameter spending function family is not sufficient. These functions all allow fitting of two points on a cumulative spending function curve; in this case, four parameters are specified indicating an x and a y coordinate for each of 2 points. Normally each of these functions will be passed to gsDesign() in the parameter sfu for the upper bound or sfl for the lower bound to specify a spending function family for a design. In this case, the user does not need to know the calling sequence. The calling sequence is useful, however, when the user wishes to plot a spending function as demonstrated in the examples; note, however, that an automatic \(\alpha\)- and \(\beta\)-spending function plot is also available.

sfBetaDist(alpha,t,param) is simply alpha times the incomplete beta cumulative distribution function with parameters \(a\) and \(b\) passed in param evaluated at values passed in t.

The other spending functions take the form $$f(t;\alpha,a,b)=\alpha F(a+bF^{-1}(t))$$ where \(F()\) is a cumulative distribution function with values \(> 0\) on the real line (logistic for sfLogistic(), normal for sfNormal(), extreme value for sfExtremeValue() and Cauchy for sfCauchy()) and \(F^{-1}()\) is its inverse.

For the logistic spending function this simplifies to $$f(t;\alpha,a,b)=\alpha (1-(1+e^a(t/(1-t))^b)^{-1}).$$

For the extreme value distribution with $$F(x)=\exp(-\exp(-x))$$ this simplifies to $$f(t;\alpha,a,b)=\alpha \exp(-e^a (-\ln t)^b).$$ Since the extreme value distribution is not symmetric, there is also a version where the standard distribution is flipped about 0. This is reflected in sfExtremeValue2() where $$F(x)=1-\exp(-\exp(x)).$$


sfLogistic(alpha, t, param)

sfBetaDist(alpha, t, param)

sfCauchy(alpha, t, param)

sfExtremeValue(alpha, t, param)

sfExtremeValue2(alpha, t, param)

sfNormal(alpha, t, param)


An object of type spendfn. See vignette("SpendingFunctionOverview") for further details.



Real value \(> 0\) and no more than 1. Normally, alpha=0.025 for one-sided Type I error specification or alpha=0.1 for Type II error specification. However, this could be set to 1 if for descriptive purposes you wish to see the proportion of spending as a function of the proportion of sample size or information.


A vector of points with increasing values from 0 to 1, inclusive. Values of the proportion of sample size or information for which the spending function will be computed.


In the two-parameter specification, sfBetaDist() requires 2 positive values, while sfLogistic(), sfNormal(), sfExtremeValue(),

sfExtremeValue2() and sfCauchy() require the first parameter to be any real value and the second to be a positive value. The four parameter specification is c(t1,t2,u1,u2) where the objective is that sf(t1)=alpha*u1 and sf(t2)=alpha*u2. In this parameterization, all four values must be between 0 and 1 and t1 < t2, u1 < u2.


Keaven Anderson keaven_anderson@merck.com


Jennison C and Turnbull BW (2000), Group Sequential Methods with Applications to Clinical Trials. Boca Raton: Chapman and Hall.

See Also



Run this code
# design a 4-analysis trial using a Kim-DeMets spending function
# for both lower and upper bounds
x <- gsDesign(k = 4, sfu = sfPower, sfupar = 3, sfl = sfPower, sflpar = 1.5)

# print the design

# plot the alpha- and beta-spending functions
plot(x, plottype = 5)

# start by showing how to fit two points with sfLogistic
# plot the spending function using many points to obtain a smooth curve
# note that curve fits the points x=.1,  y=.01 and x=.4,  y=.1
# specified in the 3rd parameter of sfLogistic
t <- 0:100 / 100
plot(t, sfLogistic(1, t, c(.1, .4, .01, .1))$spend,
  xlab = "Proportion of final sample size",
  ylab = "Cumulative Type I error spending",
  main = "Logistic Spending Function Examples",
  type = "l", cex.main = .9
lines(t, sfLogistic(1, t, c(.01, .1, .1, .4))$spend, lty = 2)

# now just give a=0 and b=1 as 3rd parameters for sfLogistic
lines(t, sfLogistic(1, t, c(0, 1))$spend, lty = 3)

# try a couple with unconventional shapes again using
# the xy form in the 3rd parameter
lines(t, sfLogistic(1, t, c(.4, .6, .1, .7))$spend, lty = 4)
lines(t, sfLogistic(1, t, c(.1, .7, .4, .6))$spend, lty = 5)
  x = c(.0, .475), y = c(.76, 1.03), lty = 1:5,
  legend = c(
    "Fit (.1, 01) and (.4, .1)", "Fit (.01, .1) and (.1, .4)",
    "a=0,  b=1", "Fit (.4, .1) and (.6, .7)",
    "Fit (.1, .4) and (.7, .6)"

# set up a function to plot comparsons of all
# 2-parameter spending functions
plotsf <- function(alpha, t, param) {
  plot(t, sfCauchy(alpha, t, param)$spend,
    xlab = "Proportion of enrollment",
    ylab = "Cumulative spending", type = "l", lty = 2
  lines(t, sfExtremeValue(alpha, t, param)$spend, lty = 5)
  lines(t, sfLogistic(alpha, t, param)$spend, lty = 1)
  lines(t, sfNormal(alpha, t, param)$spend, lty = 3)
  lines(t, sfExtremeValue2(alpha, t, param)$spend, lty = 6, col = 2)
  lines(t, sfBetaDist(alpha, t, param)$spend, lty = 7, col = 3)
    x = c(.05, .475), y = .025 * c(.55, .9),
    lty = c(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7),
    col = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3),
    legend = c(
      "Logistic", "Cauchy", "Normal", "Extreme value",
      "Extreme value 2", "Beta distribution"
# do comparison for a design with conservative early spending
# note that Cauchy spending function is quite different
# from the others
param <- c(.25, .5, .05, .1)
plotsf(.025, t, param)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab