Fit a Linear Model of Coregionalization to a Multivariable Sample Variogram; in case of a single variogram model (i.e., no nugget) this is equivalent to Intrinsic Correlation
fit.lmc(v, g, model, fit.ranges = FALSE, fit.lmc = !fit.ranges,
correct.diagonal = 1.0, ...)
multivariable sample variogram, output of variogram
gstat object, output of gstat
variogram model, output of vgm; if supplied this value is used as initial value for each fit
logical; determines whether the range coefficients (excluding that of the nugget component) should be fitted; or logical vector: determines for each range parameter of the variogram model whether it should be fitted or fixed.
logical; if TRUE, each coefficient matrices of partial sills is guaranteed to be positive definite
multiplicative correction factor to be applied to partial sills of direct variograms only; the default value, 1.0, does not correct. If you encounter problems with singular covariance matrices during cokriging or cosimulation, you may want to try to increase this to e.g. 1.01
parameters that get passed to fit.variogram
returns an object of class gstat
, with fitted variograms;
variogram, vgm, fit.variogram,