# decimal representation
# binary representation
baseOf(123, base = 2)
# octal representation
baseOf(123, base = 8)
# hexadecimal representation
baseOf(123, base = 16)
# hexadecimal with more typical letter-notation
c(0:9, LETTERS)[baseOf(123, 16)]
# hexadecimal again, now showing a single string
paste(c(0:9, LETTERS)[baseOf(123, 16)], collapse = "")
# decimal representation but filling leading zeroes
baseOf(123, len = 5)
# and converting that back
sum(2^(4:0) * baseOf(123, len = 5))
# hashing and a tabular venn diagram derived from it
m <- matrix(sample(c(FALSE, TRUE), replace = TRUE, size = 300), ncol = 4)
colnames(m) <- c("strong", "colorful", "nice", "humorous")
names(dimnames(m)) <- c("samples", "features")
m.val <- apply(m, 1, function(X) {
return(sum(2^((ncol(m) - 1):0) * X))
m.val.rle <- rle(sort(m.val))
m.counts <- cbind(
baseOf(m.val.rle$value, base = 2, len = ncol(m)),
colnames(m.counts) <- c(colnames(m), "num")
rownames(m.counts) <- apply(m.counts[, 1:ncol(m)], 1, paste, collapse = "")
m.counts[1 == m.counts[, "nice"] & 1 == m.counts[, "humorous"], , drop = FALSE]
m.counts[, "num", drop = TRUE]
# }
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