# Character vector
chr_vec <- c("a", "d", "d", "h", "h", NA, NA) # Multiple modes
stat_mode(x = chr_vec)
stat_mode(x = chr_vec, na.rm = FALSE)
stat_mode(x = chr_vec, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "first")
stat_mode(x = chr_vec, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "last")
# - # Numeric vector
# See that it keeps the original vector type
num_vec <- c(2, 3, 3, 4, 4, NA, NA)
stat_mode(x = num_vec)
stat_mode(x = num_vec, na.rm = FALSE)
stat_mode(x = num_vec, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "first")
stat_mode(x = num_vec, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "last")
# The default option is ties="all" but it is very easy for the user to control
# the ties without changing this parameter.
# Select always just one mode, being that the first mode
stat_mode(x = num_vec)[1]
# Select the first and the second stat_mode
stat_mode(x = num_vec)[c(1, 2)]
# Logical Vectors
stat_mode(x = c(TRUE, TRUE))
stat_mode(x = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE))
# - # Single element cases
stat_mode(x = c(NA_real_))
stat_mode(x = 2)
stat_mode(x = NA)
stat_mode(x = c("a"))
# Not allowing multiple stat_mode, returning NA if that happens
stat_mode(x = c(1, 1, 2, 2), multiple_modes = FALSE) # multiple stat_mode
stat_mode(x = c(1, 1), multiple_modes = FALSE) # single mode
# Empty vector cases
# The ties of any empty vector will be itself (an empty vector of the same type)
stat_mode(x = double())
stat_mode(x = complex())
stat_mode(x = vector("numeric"))
stat_mode(x = vector("character"))
# }
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