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gtsummary (version 1.6.1)

modify_table_styling: Modify Table Styling


This is a function meant for advanced users to gain more control over the characteristics of the resulting gtsummary table by directly modifying .$table_styling


  rows = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  spanning_header = NULL,
  hide = NULL,
  footnote = NULL,
  footnote_abbrev = NULL,
  align = NULL,
  missing_symbol = NULL,
  fmt_fun = NULL,
  text_format = NULL,
  undo_text_format = FALSE,
  text_interpret = c("md", "html"),
  cols_merge_pattern = NULL

rows argument

The rows argument accepts a predicate expression that is used to specify rows to apply formatting. The expression must evaluate to a logical when evaluated in x$table_body. For example, to apply formatting to the age rows pass rows = variable == "age". A vector of row numbers is NOT acceptable.

A couple of things to note when using the rows= argument.

  1. You can use saved objects to create the predicate argument, e.g. rows = variable == letters[1].

  2. The saved object cannot share a name with a column in x$table_body. The reason for this is that in tbl_merge() the columns are renamed, and the renaming process cannot disambiguate the variable column from an external object named variable in the following expression rows = .data$variable = .env$variable.

cols_merge_pattern argument

There are planned updates to the implementation of column merging. Currently, this function replaces the numeric column with a formatted character column following cols_merge_pattern=. Once gt::cols_merge() gains the rows= argument the implementation will be updated to use it, which will keep numeric columns numeric. For the vast majority of users, the planned change will be go unnoticed.

If this functionality is used in conjunction with tbl_stack() (which includes tbl_uvregression()), there is potential issue with printing. When columns are stack AND when the column-merging is defined with a quosure, you may run into issues due to the loss of the environment when 2 or more quosures are combined. If the expression version of the quosure is the same as the quosure (i.e. no evaluated objects), there should be no issues. Regardless, this argument is used internally with care, and it is not recommended for users.


Review the gtsummary definition vignette for information on .$table_styling objects.

See Also


See gtsummary internals vignette

Review list, formula, and selector syntax used throughout gtsummary

Other Advanced modifiers: modify_column_alignment(), modify_column_hide(), modify_column_indent(), modify_column_merge(), modify_fmt_fun(), modify_table_body()