Syntax and Notation
The gtsummary package also utilizes selectors: selectors from the tidyselect package and custom selectors. Review their help files for details.
tidy selectors
, all_of()
, any_of()
, starts_with()
, ends_with()
, matches()
, num_range()
, last_col()
gtsummary selectors
, all_categorical()
, all_dichotomous()
, all_tests()
, all_stat_cols()
, all_intercepts()
, all_contrasts()
Many arguments throughout the gtsummary package accept list and
formula notation, e.g. tbl_summary(statistic=)
. Below enumerates a few
tips and shortcuts for using the list and formulas.
List of Formulas
Typical usage includes a list of formulas, where the LHS is a variable name or a selector.
tbl_summary(statistic = list(age ~ "{mean}", all_categorical() ~ "{n}"))
Named List
You may also pass a named list; however, the tidyselect and gtsummary selectors are not supported with this syntax.
tbl_summary(statistic = list(age = "{mean}", response = "{n}"))
Hybrid Named List/List of Formulas
Pass a combination of formulas and named elements
tbl_summary(statistic = list(age = "{mean}", all_categorical() ~ "{n}"))
You can pass a single formula, which is equivalent to passing the formula in a list.
tbl_summary(statistic = all_categorical() ~ "{n}")
As a shortcut to select all variables, you can omit the LHS of the formula. The two calls below are equivalent.
tbl_summary(statistic = ~"{n}") tbl_summary(statistic = everything() ~ "{n}")
Combination Selectors
Selectors can be combined using the c()
tbl_summary(statistic = c(everything(), -grade) ~ "{n}")