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gtsummary (version 1.6.2)

add_ci: Add CI Column


Add a new column with the confidence intervals for proportions, means, etc.


add_ci(x, ...)

# S3 method for tbl_summary add_ci( x, method = NULL, include = everything(), statistic = NULL, conf.level = 0.95, style_fun = NULL, pattern = NULL, ... )


gtsummary table



A tbl_summary object


Not used


Confidence interval method. Default is list(all_categorical() ~ "wilson", all_continuous() ~ "t.test"). Must be one of c("wilson", "wilson.no.correct", "exact", "asymptotic") for categorical variables, and c("t.test", "wilcox.test") for continuous variables. See details below.


variables to include in the summary table. Default is everything()


Formula indicating how the confidence interval will be displayed. Default is list(all_categorical() ~ "{conf.low}%, {conf.high}%", all_continuous() ~ "{conf.low}, {conf.high}")


Confidence level. Default is 0.95


Function to style upper and lower bound of confidence interval. Default is list(all_categorical() ~ purrr::partial(style_sigfig, scale = 100), all_continuous() ~ style_sigfig).


string indicating the pattern to use to merge the CI with the statistics cell. The default is NULL, where no columns are merged. The two columns that will be merged are the statistics column, represented by "{stat}" and the CI column represented by "{ci}", e.g. pattern = "{stat} ({ci})" will merge the two columns with the CI in parentheses.

method argument

Methods c("wilson", "wilson.no.correct") are calculated with prop.test(correct = c(TRUE, FALSE)). The default method, "wilson", includes the Yates continuity correction. Methods c("exact", "asymptotic") are calculated with Hmisc::binconf(method=). Confidence intervals for means are calculated using t.test() and wilcox.test() for pseudo-medians.

Example Output

Example 1

image of rendered example table

Example 2

image of rendered example table

See Also

Review list, formula, and selector syntax used throughout gtsummary

Other tbl_summary tools: add_n.tbl_summary(), add_overall(), add_p.tbl_summary(), add_q(), add_stat_label(), bold_italicize_labels_levels, inline_text.tbl_summary(), inline_text.tbl_survfit(), modify, separate_p_footnotes(), tbl_custom_summary(), tbl_merge(), tbl_split(), tbl_stack(), tbl_strata(), tbl_summary()


Run this code
# \donttest{
# Example 1 ----------------------------------
add_ci_ex1 <-
  trial %>%
  select(marker, response, trt) %>%
  tbl_summary(missing = "no",
              statistic = all_continuous() ~ "{mean} ({sd})") %>%

# Example 2 ----------------------------------
add_ci_ex2 <-
  trial %>%
    select(response, grade) %>%
    tbl_summary(statistic = all_categorical() ~ "{p}%",
                missing = "no") %>%
    add_ci(pattern = "{stat} ({ci})") %>%
    modify_footnote(everything() ~ NA)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab