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gtsummary (version 1.6.2)

as_kable_extra: Convert gtsummary object to a kableExtra object


Function converts a gtsummary object to a knitr_kable + kableExtra object. This allows the customized formatting available via knitr::kable() and kableExtra; as_kable_extra() supports arguments in knitr::kable(). as_kable_extra() output via gtsummary supports bold and italic cells for table bodies. Users are encouraged to leverage as_kable_extra() for enhanced pdf printing; for html output options there is better support via as_gt().


  escape = FALSE,
  format = NULL,
  include = everything(),
  addtl_fmt = TRUE,
  return_calls = FALSE


A kableExtra table



Object created by a function from the gtsummary package (e.g. tbl_summary or tbl_regression)

format, escape, ...

arguments passed to knitr::kable(). Default is escape = FALSE, and the format is auto-detected.


Commands to include in output. Input may be a vector of quoted or unquoted names. tidyselect and gtsummary select helper functions are also accepted. Default is everything().


logical indicating whether to include additional formatting. Default is TRUE. This is primarily used to escape special characters, convert markdown to LaTeX, and remove line breaks from the footnote.


Logical. Default is FALSE. If TRUE, the calls are returned as a list of expressions.


This section shows options intended for use with output: pdf_document in yaml of .Rmd.

When the default values of as_kable_extra(escape = FALSE, addtl_fmt = TRUE) are utilized, the following formatting occurs.

  • Markdown bold, italic, and underline syntax in the headers, spanning headers, caption, and footnote will be converted to escaped LaTeX code

  • Special characters in the table body, headers, spanning headers, caption, and footnote will be escaped with .escape_latex() or .escape_latex2()

  • The "\n" symbol will be recognized as a line break in the table headers, spanning headers, caption, and the table body

  • The "\n" symbol is removed from the footnotes

To suppress these additional formats, set as_kable_extra(addtl_fmt = FALSE)

Additional styling is available with kableExtra::kable_styling() as shown in Example 2, which implements row striping and repeated column headers in the presence of page breaks.


This section discusses options intended for use with output: html_document in yaml of .Rmd.

When the default values of as_kable_extra(escape = FALSE, addtl_fmt = TRUE) are utilized, the following formatting occurs.

  • The default markdown syntax in the headers and spanning headers is removed

  • Special characters in the table body, headers, spanning headers, caption, and footnote will be escaped with .escape_html()

  • The "\n" symbol is removed from the footnotes

To suppress the additional formatting, set as_kable_extra(addtl_fmt = FALSE)

Example Output

Example 1 (PDF)

image of rendered example table

Example 2 (PDF)

image of rendered example table


Daniel D. Sjoberg

See Also

Other gtsummary output types: as_flex_table(), as_gt(), as_hux_table(), as_kable(), as_tibble.gtsummary()