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gtx (version 0.0.8)

est.moments2: Estimate regression coefficients using quadratic approximation to likelihood function.


To make a quadratic approximation to the likelihood function, the score and information are obtained from a pre-built matrix of weighted second moments. This allows a parameter estimate to be obtained by one iteration of weighted least squares, or equivalently a score test. Typically the weights used to construct the pre-built matrix correspond to the MLE under a chosen null model.


est.moments2(xtwx, leftvar, rightvars, n = NULL, vscale = NULL)


an object of class moments2, typically built using make.moments2 with the weightvar argument set, or a matrix of weighted second moments.
name of the response variable (the left hand side of the formula).
name(s) of the explanatory variables (the right hand side of the formula).
sample size, only needed for the normal linear model if there is not a single intercept “ONE” for all individuals.
parameter needed if xtwx is not of class moments2, set to NULL for normal linear model and 1 for logistic regression.


A list with slots for the effect size estimates, standard errors, and a precision matrix.


Variables in rightvars with non-identifiable coefficients are removed, with preference for keeping variables that occur earlier rather than later in rightvars.

When the vscale attribute of xtwx (or the vscale function argument) is NULL, this function assumes that the xtwx argument was calculated with unit weights and therefore that a linear model fit is required with error variance estimated from the data. For this application it is preferred to call lm.moments2, which is a wrapper for this function with vscale=NULL.

When the vscale attribute of xtwx (or the vscale function argument) is set equal to 1, this function assumes that the xtwx argument was calculated with weights calculated such that a GLS problem has been correctly set up to approximate a likelihood function, and therefore that generalised linear model fit is required.

Values other than NULL or 1 for the vscale parameter may not be what you think. Do not use other values unless you are absolutely sure what you understand what are doing. See the source code for details.


Run this code
mthfrex <- gls.approx.logistic(mthfrex, "HTN", c("SexC", "Age"))
xtwx <- make.moments2(mthfr.params, c("HTNstar", "SexC", "Age"), mthfrex,
                      weightvar = "weight")
myglm <- est.moments2(xtwx, "HTNstar", c("ONE", "rs6668659_T", "rs4846049_T",
                                "rs1801133_G", "SexC", "Age"), vscale=1)
myglm$z <- myglm$betahat/myglm$se
cbind(beta = myglm$betahat, se = myglm$se, z = myglm$z, 
      pval = pnorm(-abs(myglm$z))*2)

## Compare against results from glm
## Note have to use coded alleles used in original data
mycheck <- glm(HTN ~ rs6668659_G+rs4846049_G+rs1801133_A+Sex+Age,
               family="binomial", data = mthfrex$data)
## Note in results Sex factor coded differently than SexC
## Coefficients for covariates used in null model are different,
##     because xtwx approximates around the fitted null model

## Look at pairwise correlations
cor(subset(mthfrex$data, select = c("rs6668659_G", "rs4846049_G",

## SNP coefficients well approximated (given very high
## inter-SNP correlations) but signs ALL inverted by coded allele flips

## check error less than 10percent
stopifnot(all(-1*myglm$z[2:4]/coef(summary(mycheck))[2:4,3] > 0.9))
stopifnot(all(-1*myglm$z[2:4]/coef(summary(mycheck))[2:4,3] < 1.1))

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