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gtx (version 0.0.8)

gtx.params: Parameter format for multi-SNP analyses


Format used by functions in the gtx package for parameterisations for multi-SNP analyses. The parameterisation describes the SNPs to be used, choice of coded and noncoded alleles, and potentially allele frequency and effect size information.



params must be a data frame with (at least) columns called “snp”, “coded.allele” and “noncoded.allele”. For some functions, additional columns called “coded.freq” and “coef” are also required. Suitable parameterisations in the required format are provided for some genetic risk score analyses by cad.scores, t2d.scores etc.


Run this code
## Not run: 
# align.snpdata.coding(params, snpdata)
# grs.make.scores(params, snpdata)
# grs.onesnp.apply(params, object)
# make.moments2(params, phenolist, snpdata)
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab