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gtx (version 0.0.8)

liver.scores: Genetic risk scores for liver enzyme traits.


Risk scores parameterised using GWAS meta-analysis results published by Chambers et al. (Nature Genetics 2011) for serum ALT, ALP and GGT levels.





A data frame suitable for use with other functions in this package, see gtx.params. The scores are called ALT2011, ALP2011 and GGT2011, for serum concentrations of alanine transaminase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT). The first twelve columns of data were taken from Table 1 of Chambers et al. (2011). Effect sizes (coef) are on log10(concentration) scale, from inverse variance weighted meta-analyses over 17 studies, with analysed sample sizes 45596, 56415 and 61089, for ALT, ALP and GGT respectively. Two additional columns of data (beta_replication and se_replication) were taken from Supplementary Table 18 of Chambers et al. (2011), and give the effect size and SE (back calculated from the reported P-value) in an independent replication sample of size 8112.


For the publication by Chambers et al. from which these data were extracted see http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ng.970.


Run this code
with(subset(liver.scores, score == "ALP2011"), {
  plot(pmin(coded.freq, 1 - coded.freq), coef,
       xlab = "MAF", ylab = "ALP effect",
       xlim = c(0, 0.5), ylim = c(0, 10), las = 1)
  text(pmin(coded.freq, 1 - coded.freq), coef, name,
       pos = 3, cex = 0.5)})
## compare unweighted score used by Chambers et al. 2011
## with weighted score:
with(subset(liver.scores, score == "ALP2011"),
     rbind(unlist(grs.summary(rep(1, length(coef)), beta_replication,
                              se_replication, n = 8112)),
           unlist(grs.summary(coef, beta_replication,
                              se_replication, n = 8112))))

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